There is a Wales TUC protecting Welsh jobs
Wales TUC was founded in1974 and is the coordinating body of Trade Unions in Wales.
It has over 48 affiliated unions. The Wales TUC represents nearly 400,000 workers trade
unionists. Although the Wales TUC is an integral part of the British Trade Union Congress it
was set up to ensure that the role of the TUC is effectively undertaken in Wales.
The Wales TUC aims to work with, and make representations to, other Welsh organisations.
A major role of the Welsh TUC is to co-ordinate the trade union approach to the government
holding power in the Welsh Assembly so as to ensure that the interests of Welsh trade unionists
are properly represented in the whole range of decision making.
There is a Scottish TUC (STUC) protecting Scottish jobsThe Scottish TUC was founded in 1897 is the coordinating body of Trade Unions and local
Trade Councils in Scotland it has 39 affiliated unions and represents around 630,000 trade
unionists. Its focus is to co-ordinate, develop and articulate the views and policies of the trade
union movement in Scotland and to promote the creation and maintenance of high quality
jobs; and the public sector delivery of services.
The STUC is a separate organisation from the British and Welsh TUC having been established
in 1897 as a result of a political dispute with the TUC regarding political representation for the
Labour movement.
There is an Irish TUC protecting Irish jobsThe history of Irish trade unions stretches back into the eighteenth century, when local
societies were established in the cities to represent craftsman such as bricklayers butchers and
Today the Irish TUC represents all unions of the island of Ireland, covering both the Republic
of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is spoken for within the ICTU by the Northern
Ireland Committee. This enables the body to recognise the distinct differences in employment
law that Northern Ireland has from the Republic.
There is a British TUC fragmented into 9 English regions
The English TUC was set up to be the voice that collectively speaks for the whole workforce in England.