Abolish the House of Lords! The English Trade Union Congress’ battle bus will be outside the House of Lords – 28th February

Abolish the House of Lords!  The English Trade Union Congress’ battle bus will be outside the House of Lords tomorrow – campaigning to abolish the House of Lords!

The English Trade Union Congress takes the view that, in a real Democracy the “Will of the People” is sovereign.  The People and the elected House of Commons, with an overwhelming majorities, voted to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Now it would appear that certain unelected Lords are putting forward amendments to frustrate the democratic “Will of the People”. This must not be allowed! These Lords are putting their own unelected views above the Brexit referendum democratic result.

Eddie Bone, Campaign Director for the English Trade Union Congress, said:-

“The House of Lords no longer speaks for the people of England and it threatens to misuse its position to undermine the triggering of article 50.  This is a provocation which shows that the self-important and unelected House of Lords should be abolished!”

“The English Trade Union Congress battle bus will be driving around Parliament Square at 2.30pm, tomorrow, the 28th February 2017,  playing the “Lion and the Unicorn” nursery rhyme to help “Drive them out of Town!”

Eddie Bone

Campaign Director for the English Trade Union Congress

Tel: 07980 667732

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2 Comments on "Abolish the House of Lords! The English Trade Union Congress’ battle bus will be outside the House of Lords – 28th February"

  1. MICHAEL MCNALLY | March 7, 2017 at 6:36 pm | Reply

    Its about time this bunch of (old lords) should be abolished the people voted out of the EU why should these OAPS try to block or change what was democratically voted for? £300 pounds per day for having a sleep is a disgrace, OUT THEM…

  2. Lilian Philip Reed | March 7, 2017 at 7:40 pm | Reply

    my opinion, not that it will make any difference, is these are not elected by the British people they are there because in the past it was an inherited right – therefore ex politicians think it is a right they should also enjoy after all the have been in government . My husband and I worked all our lives in Industry and Nursing then we retired..like they should try living on a pension. They fall asleep or disapear after signing in, and only a few seem to know what is going on ” £300 a day very nice and all the frills “get em out”
    House full today as they want to look important “Look how we can still have clout”
    Not in my name or my husbands

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